Hotel at Punaauia Tiki Hotel (training school hotel)Partilhar em …À proposPricesServicesClassifications & Labels3 estrelasVer mais PricesPayement optuibsCartão JCBAmerican ExpressCartão de débito/créditoEm dinheiroVer mais ServicesAnimals friendlyNON_DISPONIBLE MoradaLycée Hôtelier, Moana Nui98718 Punaauia Como é que chego lá? CorreioTiki Hotel (training school hotel)BR – Contact prestataireFirstname *Name *E-mail *Postal code *City *Message *GDPR: I agree to the collection of my personal data.SendIf you are human, leave this field blank. Tel.Sítio WebFacebookContactar-nosCorreio+689 40 50 45 70 Sítio WebFacebook Contacto